WordPress Template

WordPress image courtesy of Design Wall

WordPress Editing

There are so many ways that you make changes to your WordPress blog.  Check out a few quick examples to modify your blog template.

Theme 1 “Plainly”

Theme 1 - Twenty Sixteen
Plainly Theme Installed (Click To Enlarge)
Plainly Theme
Font Family and Color Font modified (Enlarge)

How these 2 changes were made:


After: 03_plainly_after_website_code

Third Change on Plainly Theme:


Plainly Theme
Plainly Theme Navigational Tab Background Color (Enlarge)


Plainly Theme
Plainly Theme Navigational Tab Background Color changed to Yellow (Enlarge)

How this third change was made:


Plainly Theme

After:Plainly Theme

Google Analytics code installed on Plainly Theme

Google Analytics tracking code
Google Analytics tracking code (Click to Enlarge)

Disqus installed on WordPress blog

Disqus (Click to Enlarge)

Theme 2 “Masonic”

Masonic Theme
Masonic Theme installed (Click to Enlarge)
Masonic Theme
Masonic Theme – Unmodified (Click to Enlarge)
Masonic Theme
Masonic Theme – Modified with 3 CSS selectors (Click to Enlarge)

3 CSS Selectors that were modified
1) Background colour
2) Blog title post underlined
3) Blog post paragraph changed to Italics

The codes used to make the changes:

h2 {text-decoration: underline}

p {font-style: italic}

body { background-color:#0df1d9; }

Blue Jays Facts
Blue Jays Facts WordPress / HTML syntax exercise (Click here to visit web page)

The above post shows the following:

  • ordered list
  • H1/H2/H3 tags defined
  • .smdclass labeled and defined with color/typeface/font size on one paragraph