What Was It Like Being Back In School After 12 Years?

Buying shoes online or studying? 😀 Photo Cred: Gabriela Oviedo

Today’s post is going to be a little different than some of the posts you’ve read here.  For those who are visiting this site for the first time…Welcome!  I am going to recap my decision to go back to school, the factors that triggered it, my experiences being back in a classroom and what’s next on my plate.

Why I Went Back

In the spring of 2016, I was in the final stages of securing a new job with an emerging tech company.   At this time, I was back again working in the dairy industry, unchallenged and unmotivated.  I returned there after being laid off from a digital marketing company.  While I was very keen in getting back into the digital world, my gut instinct was telling me to hold off.  The title role was a client success specialist and I just felt like I wanted something more specific.  If you have ever been in a position where you took a job just for the money and you knew you’d still be unhappy – well that was where my head space was at.

For those who know me, I am willing to put the work in and bust my tail off if I believe in whatever the concept/idea/value is.   So in between interviews, I started Googling the idea of upgrading my education, to strengthen my resume as well.  My position was if I was going to make a commitment and go back to school, it had to be something that would fit my schedule, that had an interesting curriculum and that I would genuinely enjoy.

After a series of e-mails exchanged with one of the program coordinators at Seneca College, I decided now was the time to make the leap.  On April 22, 2016, I contacted the employer who offered me the client success specialist position and declined.  I now made the commitment to enroll in a one year, post grad certificate in social media, the first of its kind offered in the GTA.

College vs. University

The thought of being back in a classroom after a 12-year absence was going to be interesting.  Some of the questions I asked myself was, could I handle this?  Could I keep up with the other students?  Would I be the oldest fart in the room?  It was an intense, eight month course load that covered all aspects of social media and digital marketing.  After the first six weeks into the semester, I settled in pretty nicely and felt confident that I would be able to complete this program.

Looking back on my time in York University, I felt a four-year program was too long.  You would have theatre size classes that would fit as large as 500 students, yet you would only know maybe 25-30 of them in your tutorial classes.   What I liked about college was that we were the same 20-25 person class for the entire calendar year.

In university, almost all of the teachings were theoretical, which in my own theory is useless because you need practical knowledge in the real working world.  Thanks to Google, Wikipedia and so on, you can search for that theoretical information at any time and educate yourself.

Having the opportunity to work in group projects and do presentations in college was also very refreshing.  I welcomed that with open arms because university didn’t provide much opportunities in that aspect.  In addition, while assignments were submitted in printed paper at York, for this program they were all submitted online.

I remember back in the day, maybe one or two students in the room had a laptop.  That was considered luxury.  Taking notes on a paper pad was the norm.  Today, everyone in the class is equipped with some sort of technology whether it be a laptop, tablet or even a smartphone.

#SenecaSoMe aka SMD
#SenecaSoMe aka SMD

Continue reading “What Was It Like Being Back In School After 12 Years?”

Building Digital Ads The Right Way

Image courtesy of Marketing Land

Digital Ads are Everywhere.

Whether we are on our desktop computer, laptop or mobile smartphones, we are subjected to numerous advertisements on a daily basis.  It is in our e-mails, strategically positioned throughout our social media accounts and just about everywhere you can think of.  Offline it is still prevalent. Driving to work and you see that billboard on the right hand side? Check.  Going to the washroom and using the urinal with a smoking ad right within your eye sight? Check.  Digital ads are no different, as the billion dollar industry is embracing technology and doing their best to capture our attention spans.

But let’s look at the facts…Many of us hate the constant bombardment of advertisements that are placed on our screens.  Here are some interesting stats and figures that compliment this sentiment:

– The average click through rate of display ads across all formats and placements is 0.17%
– Ad blocking grew by 41% globally in the last 12 months
– There are now 198 million active ad block users around the world
– A study revealed that only 2.8% of participants thought that ads on website were relevant
– About 60% of clicks on mobile ads are accidental
– 54% of users don’t click banner ads because they don’t trust them
– 33% of internet users find display ads completely intolerable

Digitial Ads are Annoying?

Clearly, there are a lot of bad digital ads that waste our time.  They can simply desensitize us, that program our minds to make ads a mere afterthought.  Marketers who constantly try to get our attention often fail because…they simply alienate us.  Who here is sick of Retargeted Advertising? (Put your hand up wherever you are reading this post!).  It is no secret that we as consumers will use the internet for research and opinion.  But the fact remains that we are however, more likely to talk to someone for actual feedback on a product or service.  This traditional word of mouth marketing approach has more validity in shaping our purchase decision.

Having that said, if advertisers are going to get our attention on social platforms, let’s take into consideration what is essential in building presentable digital ads on a network such as Facebook:

What Makes a Compelling Digital Ad?

Here are some good characteristics that define a successful ad:
– Click through (Is it worth you finding more about this ad?)
– Engagement (How interested are you in the ad?)
– Conversion (Will this lead you to a purchase?)
– Stop power (Did this really grab your attention?)

A highly great site I recommend for you to test your ads:

Be sure to always include:
– A central image
– Brand logo
– Supporting text elements

Here a few mock ads using the clothing brand H&M that I have created for example:

News feed ad size
Right hand ad size
Right hand ad size
Mobile ad size
Mobile ad size
Original image edited with Canva
Original image edited with Canva


“The 2015 Ad Blocking Report.” PageFair. PaigeFair Limited, 30 June 2016. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <https://pagefair.com/blog/2015/ad-blocking-report/>.

Chaffey, Dave. “Display Advertising Clickthrough Rates.” Smart Insights. Smart Insights, 26 Apr. 2016. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <http://www.smartinsights.com/internet-advertising/internet-advertising-analytics/display-advertising-clickthrough-rates/>.

“Digital Ad Spend Worldwide 2016.” Statista. Statista, n.d. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <https://www.statista.com/statistics/246567/global-online-advertising-revenue/>.

Doern, Bill. Visual Skills For Social Media. Seneca College. N.p., 15 Oct. 2016. Web. 31 Dec. 2016.

Frederick, Ben. “60% Of All Mobile Banner Ad Clicks Are Accidents.” 02/04/2016. MediaPost Communications, 4 Feb. 2016. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/268266/60-of-all-mobile-banner-ad-clicks-are-accidents.html>.

Jatain, Vishveshwar. “Ad Blockers Are Perhaps the Biggest Problem That Publishers Are Facing at the Moment, Here’s an Essential Premier on What You Need to Know about Them.” AdPushup Blog. AdPushup, 09 Oct. 2016. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <https://www.adpushup.com/blog/5-things-publishers-need-know-ad-blockers/>.

Shemenski, Jay. “Display Advertising Is Failing. What’s Next in Digital Marketing?” Marketing And Growth Hacking. Marketing And Growth Hacking, 02 Mar. 2016. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <https://blog.markgrowth.com/disruptive-advertising-is-failing-what-s-next-for-digital-marketing-7f391a02181#.vmoy5kl7r>.

Stec, Carly. “20 Display Advertising Stats That Demonstrate Digital Advertising’s Evolution.” HubSpot Blog Homepage. HubSpot, 25 Sept. 2015. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/horrifying-display-advertising-stats>.

“2016 Mobile Adblocking Report.” PageFair. PaigeFair Limited, 23 Nov. 2016. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <https://pagefair.com/blog/2016/mobile-adblocking-report/>.

Two Business Strategies that compliment one another with some Helpful Links

Business Strategies 101

The first time I heard of S.W.O.T. Analysis, I had no clue what it meant. To be honest, the first thing that came to mind was probably this movie! So I started doing what mostly everyone who is tech savvy does and needs answers…I went ahead and did a Google search.  I typed in “What is SWOT analysis?” and the first result on the first page that came up was so informative, I spent at least 10 minutes on B Plans‘ post taking it all in.  I break it down in the first half of my video post above that I want to share with you.  I now know if I ever end up deciding to open up my own sneaker boutique, I will definitely start with this business strategy.

SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis

So let’s say for example I end up opening this sneaker shop of mines and it takes off.  I then imagine myself at the 5-year mark of my business and I have to re-evaluate some of the products that I carry in my store.  What should I keep and what should I let go?  I found this resourceful YouTube video by The Revision Guide that talks about the foundation of the BCG Matrix strategy, which is great for existing businesses who need to continue with their long-term strategic planning.  It is not a complex strategy to learn, but just like the video itself, it provides the fundamental understandings of what is working and what is not. Check out my critique in the second half of my video review on these two helpful resources.  Note to self: It’s time to upgrade my laptop with a built-in HD camera!

BCG Matrix Model
BCG Matrix Model


Berry, Tim. “What Is a SWOT Analysis?” Bplans Blog What Is a SWOT Analysis Comments. Palo Alto, 11 Aug. 2016. Web. 09 Oct. 2016. <http://articles.bplans.com/how-to-perform-swot-analysis/>.

Hanlon, Annmarie. “How to Use the BCG Matrix Model.” Smart Insights. YouTube, 12 Jan. 2016. Web. 11 Oct. 2016. <http://www.smartinsights.com/marketing-planning/marketing-models/use-bcg-matrix/>.

Portfolio Analysis – Boston Matrix / BCG Matrix. Prod. Apsara Sumanasiri. Https://www.youtube.com//RevisionOnline. YouTube, 8 June 2014. Web. 09 Oct. 2016. <https://youtu.be/1gZmmlKl6uk>.

Taylor, Nicole Fallon. “SWOT Analysis: What It Is and When to Use It.”Business News Daily. Purch, 01 Apr. 2016. Web. 09 Oct. 2016. <http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4245-swot-analysis.html>.